Top 3 PowerShell Commands for IT support


2 min read

*Disclaimer: I am not a professional and this is based on my experience. These commands have helped me throughout my career. I deal with end users on daily basis.

1. Get-ComputerInfo

This command gets all computer operating and system properties information. It tells you such as the user information and bios current version. You are able to use this if you are not sure what information you are trying to get in the computer.

2. $MyProgram.uninstall()

This command is for uninstalling program this has saved me countless time in my job. I use this command, if there is a stubborn program that does not want to uninstall it. Before using the command, there are two commands I use.

The first command shows what application are installed.

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -Property Name
$MyProgram = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq “Zoom”}

After the eq and inside the quotation (Zoom), you are able to choose any application installed in windows. Afterward you write that command. $MyProgram.uninstall()

3. Get-Help

Without, this command I will have been lost. For example, if you do not know how to use Get-Process command . You can write this command, it will then show how you can use the command.

Get-Help -Name Get-Process

Overall, these PowerShell commands has helped me troubleshoot some of the end user technical issues. PowerShell is a valuable skill to learn for the future. It helps with automating and troubleshooting technology problem.